الأساتذة المتميزون يصنعون المدرسة الرائدة

منصة تكوين و تمكين الأساتذة 

We train and coach your teachers and empower them to become the best version of themesleves and deliver quality educationto your students
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Courses with certificates

Many courses to update their skills in teaching and technology

Many other ressources

Masters classes, online events, ebooks and coaching accessible anytime

Tailed content to teachers needs

Courses and other content are made and updated according to teachers challenges 

How does it work ?

Your teachers will benefit from many online courses, training and support enabling them to enhance their didactic and pedagogical skills
New courses and resources are regularly added to Learning Coach Universe, which teachers can access on their phones at any time

How to get your teachers in ?

Your teachers will be subscribed to Learning Coach Universe, the most comprehensive platform for continuous training and professional development for schools

Some examples of certified courses

All accessible online anywhere and anytime for teachers 

and many other courses...

Schools love Learning Coach Universe !

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Step up your game with this training!
Sara Willson
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Concise and practical content
Andrew Jackson
Write your awesome label here.
Simple to understand!
John Larson
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Very Professional!
Jena Karlis
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